This little boy right here is the reason for my post. This amazing joyful little guy is facing a battle he doesn't even understand. He can't speak or walk yet, he is only 6 months old. He is Tyler's nephew and almost like my own. Logan was diagnosed with muscualr dystrophy yesterday. This little boy is going to face a battle and once he begins to understand the extent of this disease all he will be able to do is ask why? Right now all his family and friends are just simply asking why? He has been struggling to hold his head up on his own which shouldn't be an issue, and he can barely sit up on his own. The signs were there that something was wrong but no one ever thought it would be something so bad or so extreme. Now I know that you can live with MD but life just isn't the same or as fulfilling. When chlidren, especially babies, are diagnosed with MD it tends to be a more severe case. I don't know how to feel about this whole situation other then helpless. I love him no less then I did before. It's so hard to watch a family go through something like this. All you want to do is make it better but there really is no way other then to be that support they may need when things get rough. His parents just got married this last weekend, one of the happiest weekends of their life, and days later they recieve the news. It's just heart renching. I don't get why things like this happen, I don't get how, and I don't agree with it.
I'll be seeing you,
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