How is it that the older I get the faster my life seems to move? I can not believe October is almost over. Soon it'll be the new year and we'll be in shock that we've gone through yet another year. I can remember all the way back in third grade when I was standing outside my elementary school with my aunt, who was an aid at the school, talking about how I was going to graduate in 9 years and I kept saying how it would never come fast enough; funny thing is it's here and gone and it happened in the blink of an eye just as my aunt said it would. When you're a kid being a grown up seems like it's forever away and you can't wait to get to that point in life. Of course all adults say to just take your time and enjoy the ride it will come too soon, and they are right in every way. I would give anything to go back to days with recess and snack time, man those were the days. I am in total shock that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which then means Christmas will be here as well. I live for holidays, I love them in every way. I am really big on spending time with family and truly just living in the moment and for your happiness. I find myself very relaxed, calm, at ease and happy with the world when it's a holiday and I have nothing to worry about but my family. I will be going to Chicago this year to spend Thanksgiving with my Mom's side of the family, and I can not wait; but of course I should wait and enjoy my time till it gets here, ha. But really I haven't seen them in so long I feel like and I really enjoy my time with them, plus I am in love with Chicago. I also love car rides with my mom, we have this ritual where we stop at McDoanalds in Holmen and get dinner, then we drive while I pick the CD's, and we have life talks. We have the types of talks where I'm nearly jumping out of my seat to prove a point or out of excitement. We stop 3 to 4 times to go to the restroom and get snacks. We probably have the most fun on long car rides. My cousins are all growing up so fast, life is just too fast for my taste. I think this time of year just starts my amazing holiday mood! I also have many things leading up to Thanksgiving weekend to look forward to, my ex but not so ex boyfriends sister is getting married, I am going to an NFL football game it'll be my first one ever, and Halloween. This post is all over the place and that's just the way my mind has been lately. I can't keep a thought for a minute.
I just started serving at Ciatti's and although I've only had one shift on my own I am already more stressed than before. This weekend work will consume my life, I work Friday night and a double on Saturday and Sunday. It's just a lot to think about and it's taking up a lot of my time. If I end up not liking serving I'm going to have to get a second job elsewhere which actually doesn't bother me, change at this point would be nice. I do love where I work and I love most everyone there but having two positions there, hosting and serving, just might be too much Ciatti's to handle. I suppose i'll just wait and see and hope it all works out.
Well my mind simply needs a rest and I am hoping to fall asleep before 6 AM. My sleeping habits are horrible due to my racing mind. Anyone have any suggestions? I've heard of getting super cold right before you plan on getting in bed, reading a book, obviously a sleeping pill, and concentrating on breathing..none work for me!
I'll be seeing you,
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